COVID-19 Fitting Policy Update (Updated 1/21/22)
/In order to continue to keep everyone safe, we have created the following policies:
For our guests:
-In order to limit exposure we are no longer able to allow visitors aside from the bride. Don’t worry though, we have set up a station to make Facetime and Zoom calls to guests so they can cheer you on virtually (and safely!).
-When you arrive for your appointment, we will be asking that you leave your coat and shoes at the door.
-Clients are encouraged to wash their hands before their fitting. Hand sanitizer is also available throughout the shop.
- We ask that clients wear a mask during their fitting; if you do not have one, we have a stash available.
For our staff:
-Ette is doing daily deep-cleaning and sanitizing all common-touch surfaces between appointments.
-We are asking our staff to leave all coats and shoes at the door and requiring daily temperature checks of our staff.
-All staff must wear masks when meeting with clients, and wash their hands between clients.
Clients who cannot comply with these policies, who arrive with an abnormal temperature, or who arrive with additional guests, will be asked to reschedule.
If you have symptoms or have tested positive for the Covid-19, either before or after an appointment with us, please contact us right away. If you have any remaining appointments with us, we will work on rescheduling them once you have completed the proper quarantine period of 14 days. If you have traveled out of state, been on a plane, or been in a group of 10 or more people, please let us know, so we can reschedule your appointments.
The health and safety of our community is important to us, so we thank you in advance for your understanding and compliance. We are so excited to be able to return to doing what we love soon, and look forward to seeing you all again!
Best Wishes,
The Ette Team
Photo by Tinky Media